Selen Görgüzel Alkan, wife of director Hamdi Alkan, shared a photo of 23 years ago from her social media account. Selen Görgüzel Alkan's 17-year-old drew attention.
Director Hamdi Alkan'ını Selen Görgüzel Alkan, a social media account 23 years ago shared a photo. Selen Görgüzel Alkan's 17-year-old drew attention.
آواره۰۶ Selen Görgüzel Alkan published a photograph of 23 years in Instagram. Selen Görgüzel Alkan, who presented his photograph taken in a series of 'Mahallenin Mukhtars' series in 1996 when he was only 17 years old, wrote the note "When the year 1996 Mahallenin Mukhtars and I was only 17 at the beginning of the road". This sharing of the player, "Is there aesthetics?" questions also brought along. Many users claimed that Selen Görgüzel Alkan underwent aesthetic surgery.