دانلود عشق سیاه و سفید 109Channel D, published in the 'Page 2' with the program and connected with the Müge and Gülşen comments about the allegations that engage in the agenda, "This news just silenced. Because I'm ashamed to talk to my mother's father at the side of these things. I grew up in your hands you already know my little. He is a colleague, I like his job, I respect, but not even meet, "he said.
عشق سیاه و سفید۱۰۹ Sahin Kendirci allegedly lived in love with Aleyna Fox, said: "I came across these rumors where I was surprised. They write on social media 'Is this real?' He said. I am connected to you the last time I said explain. These situations are wrong for our family. Now I'm talking on the phone like this, but my mother is very ashamed of my father. "